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It's very common to share application data (variables) with a template. Data can be whatever you want: strings, arrays, objects, etc. Plates allows you set both template specific data and shared template data.

Assign data

Assigning data is done from within your application code, such as a controller. There are a number of ways to assign the data, depending on how you structure your objects.

// Create new Plates instance
$templates = new Jinya\Plates\Engine('/path/to/templates');

// Assign via the engine's render method
echo $templates->render('profile', ['name' => 'Jonathan']);

// Assign via the engine's make method
$template = $templates->make('profile', ['name' => 'Jonathan']);

// Assign directly to a template object
$template = $templates->make('profile');
$template->data(['name' => 'Jonathan']);

Accessing data

Template data is available as locally scoped variables at the time of rendering. Continuing with the example above, here is how you would escape and output the "name" value in a template:

<p>Hello <?= $this->e($name) ?></p>

Prior to Plates 3.0, variables were accessed using the $this pseudo-variable. This is no longer possible. Use the locally scoped variables instead.

Preassigned and shared data

If you have data that you want assigned to a specific template each time that template is rendered throughout your application, the addData() function can help organize that code in one place.

$templates->addData(['name' => 'Jonathan'], 'emails::welcome');

You can pre-assign data to more than one template by passing an array of templates:

$templates->addData(['name' => 'Jonathan'], ['login', 'template']);

To assign data to ALL templates, simply omit the second parameter:

$templates->addData(['name' => 'Jonathan']);

Keep in mind that shared data is assigned to a template when it's first created, meaning any conflicting data assigned that's afterward to a specific template will overwrite the shared data. This is generally desired behavior.