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Plates is a native PHP template system that's fast, easy to use and easy to extend. It's inspired by the excellent Twig template engine and strives to bring modern template language functionality to native PHP templates. Plates is designed for developers who prefer to use native PHP templates over compiled template languages, such as Twig or Smarty.


  • Native PHP templates, no new syntax to learn
  • Plates is a template system, not a template language
  • Plates encourages the use of existing PHP functions
  • Increase code reuse with template layouts and inheritance
  • Template folders for grouping templates into namespaces
  • Data sharing across templates
  • Pre-assign data to specific templates
  • Built-in escaping helpers
  • Easy to extend using functions and extensions
  • Framework-agnostic, will work with any project
  • Decoupled design makes templates easy to test
  • Composer ready and PSR-2 compliant


Plates is currently maintained by Imanuel Ulbricht, previously maintained by RJ Garcia and originally created by Jonathan Reinink. Submit issues to Github.